Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nail Marbling Tutorial

So I think I'll do a little tutorial on nail marbling.I tried it out a few days ago and it worked but the color combo I went with looked horrible! After a bit of trial and error, I found a easy way to do it!

Okay here we go!
-a few different nail polishes
-A small form cup or tall shot glass(Cannot reuse after though)
-Tooth pick or anything long and thin
-Tape (clear gift wrapping tape works fine)
- Q tips
- Acetone nail polish remover

Step 1: Get yourself set up! Put paper towel down where you are working!
Make sure you are using tap or filtered water. Warm up the water in the microwave for about 20 seconds to get it a room temp.

Step 2: Paint a base coat of one of the colors on your nails. Give it a few minutes to dry. This part isn't pictured but you want to tape around your nails. Do one nail at a time.
Open all the lids to your nail polishes because you need to move fast from here on out.
(I am using a press on glued to a stick because I like how my nails are right now)

 Step 3: Put drops of the colors in the water. As many or as little as you want!
Step:4  Using a tooth pick, move and mix the colors until you get a combo you want!
 Step 5: I couldn't get a good picture of this step! You want to put your nail in on a angle so its coloring the whole nail. Leave your finger in the water for about 5 seconds or so, using the tooth pick you'll need to get all the extra polish out. After about 5-10 seconds the polish hardens and by just twisting the tooth pick you can get it all out fast.
 Step: 6 Pull your nail out! You should have a super awesome marbled nail! Give it a few seconds to dry and carefully peel all the tape off. After all your nails go back through with a Q tip and some nail polish remover to clean up edges that weren't covered in tape.

Here is what it looked like after my 2nd go at it. (And Yes- I am a nail bitter. Always have been!)

Colors used:
Forever 21's brand-mint blue
Ulta- Tutu Cute
Ulta Pro- Black diamond 

**If you want just 'one' color on top of your base coat like mine- Make sure your first drips and most of your drips are of the base color.**

Tips and Advice
-If you don't like the taping. I've read you just put lotion on your skin around the nail and after you take it out of the water it wipes right off.
-Many Nail polishes don’t work. I can’t tell you which ones; it’s kind of trial and error. I have noticed my drug store brands don’t work as well (NYC  and Wet N’ Wild)
-Try to use colors that are “one coaters” the richer the color it is the better it works
-But with that, I tried dripping a color polish in first then my colors that run fast and it works a little better.

Hopefully this all makes sense! Leave some comments and let me know how it works out for you!!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely going to try this. Ahhh, I love being a lady :) I'll let you know how it goes!
