Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hey everyone!

Wow, I am sucha slacker. I've been in a huge rut these past few weeks. I would say I was super busy but I really just slept every moment I could until I had to be at work. Life is hard.

Click  "read more " to see what I made!

We've had a few nice and warm days in the past week here so I decided to do some spring cleaning. Doing so, I came across a few cuts of fabric I bought  months ago that haven't been touched yet. I went threw my pattern stash and found a cute purse that would work great with some of the fabric I had.

Of course, no craft project can start without a trip to Jo Ann's to pick up some notions (and when I say pick up some notions I really mean to be sucked into the infinite abyss that is the fabric section. It gets me every time) Well, it was the Saturday before Easter so Jo ann's had an awesome sale going on. Most apperal fabrics where 50% or more off. PLUS I have the handy dandy Jo ann's iphone app which means you always have coupons on you.

Walking the isles, completely forgetting what I came in for, my cart started filling with bolts of fabric. Oh boy "but they are on sale" is what I tell myself. I narrow it down to about 4 different fabrics to buy.

This is what I bought.  Far left- I only bought a 1/2 yard just because I couldn't stop staring at the colors. Not sure what I'll do with it yet, I just want to look at it. Second one over- Kinda the same deal, I just really liked the pattern, plus its silky. I bought a 1/2 yard as well, planning on making a fashion scarf. Right one- I bought 2 yards of this and a skirt pattern. Its see threw so im going to line it with black jersey knit i think. we'll see. Last, the mustard yellow cotton- bought 1 yard and using as lining on the purse you'll see below!

All of that PLUS 2 yards of 3 inch elestic for a skirt, a pattern, 1/2'' bias tape maker, & thread all for 29 bones! Score!

Okay, so here is the pattern I worked from.
I made the bottom left (View A.)  I've also made the top right (view d) a year or two ago. I'll add in a picture of that later today.

If you are a beginner I highly recommended this pattern. Its super easy. (the right two are a bit more tricky than the left two)

I modified a few things- I didn't add the zippered pocket inside the bag ( why? Because remember when I said I "forgot why I went to jo anns.....ahhh it was for a zipper. damn) As well as using the folded braid as bias tape in the front and back.

Ta-daaa! I how it came out! As you can see I just put on a plan open pocket on the inside, I'm probably going to put Velcro on it later. You can't tell in the photos but the handles are in a thick breaded material and the front edge is just double wide Bia's tape. The pattern called for the braid all around the whole bag but I didn't want that.

I am really happy with the colors. I bought the flower print months ago at a discount warehouse place and then just guessed at the yellow color when I went back out and it actually was spot on!

Oh by the way this is my kitten cat Murphy.
I was petting him today and took off his collar to scratch under it and notice how old and beat up it was. I started looking at how it was made and LIGHT BULB. so tomorrow, you should have a tutorial on how to make a cat or dogs collar. Or you'll see pictures of my total fail at it.

Be sure to check out my flickr account for more projects I've done. If you see anything you'd like to know how to do just leave a comment!

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