Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cat (or dog) collar Tutorial!

Hey everyone! I kept my word and actually made the cat collar today! I messed up on it a bit but overall i turned out really nice! Its 1/4th of a inch wider than I wanted but I made it work.
Here it is!

Click on the "read more" if you want to make one for yourself! (OR You can pay me to make you one ;o) ;o)  )

What You Need:
  • 1/2 yard or less of fabric- Get project for a Fat quarter (Sold at Jo anns or Wal-mart for less than 2 dollars)
  • 15 inches or one package of single fold bias tape
  • thread
  • Old collar Or cheap one you don't mind cutting up
  • Mid weight fusible interfacing

First off, get your old collar and measure the length with it extended all the way. make sure to add a few inches to the total because of the areas where its folded. Measure the width of the collar as well. My collar with the extra inches was 15 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. I drafted a quick pattern out of paper. You don't need to do this step, you could just mark it off and cut. Once you have that go head and cut one of the interfacing and fabric.

Iron the fabric to the interfacing. Then fold over 1/2 inch of each side and iron it down.

Grab your bias tape and pin it to the center back of the fabric.
Sew close to the edge of the bias tape down each side.

Next you want to cut up the old collar. I did this one side at a time so I could remember which way things were supposed to go. Pin over the extra fabric and sew back and forth a squared out U shape and if you want an X to make it super secure. 

Do the same with the other side. NOTE: I did not add the slider/size adjuster. Since I made it too wide it didn't slide very well and I figured Murphy is full grown so I just put it around his neck and pulled it tight enough that 2 fingers could fit under it still and the some of the extra and sewed the end. 

Overall, took me roughly 1 hour to make. There's probably a billion of  other ways to make this but I just kinda made it up as I went. Take pictures of the next one I make in case I find a better/easier way. 

There it is on him. It was hard to get a good picture at night time. Big thanks to my animal handler, Rachel.

Let me know if you liked it, didn't like it. OR have any ideas to make it easier, better!

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